// AI-CODE_v1.0

HTML Template with Bootstrap & Font Awesome

Prompt: Build an HTML template, utilizing Bootstrap and font-awesome (CDN)

HTML Blog Site with tailwind and material design

Prompt: Build a static html blog site, utilizing tailwind and material design (CDN)

2 different API solutions in Python (Flask and Fast)

Prompt: Build two different projects a flask and a fast api router with 2 api end-points, that get the weather and latest news, include applicable packages, libraries, logging, include basic security practices on end-points, and comment the code.

Web Scraper with Beautiful Soup

Prompt: Build a simple web scraper using beautiful soup, that will utilize a dictionary of web sites, structure the code to get the following data from each site: meta-data, page-links (href), logo, and h1-3 tags, then store it in a local file in an organized manner.

Discord Bot (Python)

Prompt: write a discord bot that returns stock data, weather, midjourney images, more..[future].

Card title

Prompt: Build two different projects a flask and a fast api router with 2 api end-points, that get the weather and latest news, include applicable packages, libraries, logging, include basic security practices on end-points, and comment the code.


How to use WEOPI Images

WEOPI Images is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, but understanding the power of prompts can help you harness its full potential. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of WEOPI Images:

  1. Start with Clarity: Begin your prompt with a clear idea. Instead of "a park", try "a serene park during autumn with golden leaves". The more specific you are, the closer the result will be to your vision.
  2. Consider the Mood: Think about the emotion or mood you want the image to convey. Adding descriptors like "gloomy", "joyful", or "mysterious" can guide the generation process to match the desired tone.
  3. Play with Lighting: Lighting can dramatically change the feel of an image. Specify if you want "soft morning light", "harsh midday shadows", or "twilight ambiance".
  4. Experiment and Iterate: Don't hesitate to refine your prompts. If the first result isn't quite right, tweak your description and try again. Iterative prompting often leads to the best results.
  5. Use Examples: If you have a particular style or theme in mind, referencing existing artworks or genres can help. For instance, "a cityscape in the style of Van Gogh" or "a forest reminiscent of fantasy book covers".
  6. Stay Updated: WEOPI Images is continuously improving. Keep an eye on updates or new features that can enhance your image generation experience.

Remember, the key is in the details. The more you can guide WEOPI Images with your vision, the more it can bring your imagination to life. Happy creating!